Justin Cossey and Tevin Maxwell, natives to Savannah, Georgia, founded, own, and operate Kreative Coaching, a street wear brand putting a millennial twist on iconic 90’s style. Kreative Coaching is more than apparel but a brand capturing the essence of Atlanta’s young, entrepreneurial, go-getter generation. Cossey and Maxwell use their brand to inspire, uplift and motivate. So, how did two young brothas from a rural, close-minded town in Georgia pave their way and put Atlanta on their back?
During CEO Charlie’s first ever speaking engagement “You Can’t Do Epic Shit With Basic People” stood a booth quietly tucked away in the back of the Gathering Spot. Three or four-hundred attendees paid little attention to the booth as they anxiously waited for the founder of Street Execs to make his debut but probably recognized the camouflage t-shirts with the words “Anti Social” spread across several times in white lettering and red highlights. The brand looked familiar like something you’ve seen someone wearing while scrolling through your Instagram timeline or while strolling Edgewood. But this was all part of the plan. Charlie, founder of Street Execs, delivered the dopest, most creative, educational, enlightening, inspiring, and STREEET, speaking engagement ever. Charlie brought Atlanta’s hustlers together and shared his platform with some of his most successful partners. Of his lucrative litter, Charlie introduced two young males, barely into their twenties, and set to do $7 million in sales.
Justin and Tevin confidentially approached the center stage, took the mic, and had everyone’s attention. Guest eagerly listened to their story of how they became successful and a wave of inspiration passed through the room. Unfortunately, you missed the event but no worries. They’re cool dudes and invited me to meet up with them prior to their fashion show at Onyx. I had the pleasure of chopping it up with two of Atlanta’s rising entrepreneurs and am proud to share insight with you.

Do you carry Savannah or Atlanta with you?
Tevin: “We’re not originally from Atlanta. All of our stuff comes from Savannah. That’s where our roots are. We have different opportunities in Atlanta but we carry everything.”
Justin: “Not to say our city is intentionally closed minded but they haven’t seen anyone come up since Camouflage, fourteen years ago.”
You mean the style?
Justin: “No, the rapper. He was signed to Universal. Unfortunately, he didn’t stay around. He was shot in 2001. But back when he was in the city and doing things, he was one of the first rappers to really make it. No one has really made it and if they did, they didn’t come back and we don’t want to be those people that never come back. We can never forget Savannah and our upbringing.”
What makes you all more distinguished?
Justin: “We have something for everybody. Kreative Coaching is an umbrella for different waves. Like KreCoa, which is a subsidiary under Kreative Coaching that is more subtle and chill but still fly.”
What is it that inspires you most in fashion. Your style and the brand style?
Tevin: “The style is based on how we feel at the time, what our mind set is on and how we want to take the brand. Whether we want to make it more conservative or something more bright, we’re going to make it more unique. We just try to set ourselves apart. I want you to look at me before the next cat.”
What do you think of Kanye and who are some of your influencers?
Tevin: “I do like Kanye and how he puts his own unique touches on everything but in the design industry we don’t really take part of what other celebrities are doing.”
Justin: “I like Pharrell. He has a lot of innovative ideas and changes his style up. He was using the Ice Cream logo and moved way up to BBC and it’s what you now. Pharrell does a lot of things I feel we do. Our brand goes from bright and vibrant to more conservative and back. Even through the more urban street wear brand and that’s what we like to have.”

When setting up this meet up, your PR manager DeWan told me you alls schedule is pretty hectic with classes. How is that, managing business and school?
Tevin: “It’s difficult. Right now it’s not easy…I’m a logistics major at Savannah State.”
Justin: “I’m an English major. I started off as a writer writing creative stories. It’s such a broad degree that I can go anywhere with.”
They say “go to school so you have something to fall back on,” but you two are doing extremely well. What’s keeping you in school?
Tevin: “My logistics degree that’s more business. Eventually, when we start having different factories and distribution markets, I’ll know how to manage this and that.”
Justin: “I mostly do writing for the brand because we never had things like editorials. So I’ll do things like the bios because who knows us more than us.”
Last Question. What would you two like to say to the people of Georgia?
Tevin: “How we say with our brand, be unique, work hard and be yourself. You never want anyone to get you outside your character. That’s what the brand is for to boost self-esteem and uplift people. So, be yourself, live ya life and support the businesses that people try to bring you”
Justin: “Our slogan is to ‘influence a generation through creative apparel.’ So I’d tell people to chase their dreams. At 21 and 22, who would imagine we would be at the place we are. Not to say we’re at the top but got to make our city for the ones that did support us and the ones that didn’t, it’s coming.”
You can find out more about Kreative Coaching and purchase items online at their website www.kreativecoaching.com. Follow them on Instagram and Twitter @kreativecaoching and if you’re an influencer yourself, join the winning team.