Very unfortunate news coming from Macon, Georgia today. During a home invasion, Craigory Burch Jr., was shot and killed early Thursday morning.
We reported on Craigory Burch back in November, Burch was a 20 year old Fantasy 5 winner who won $434,272 after hitting the lotto. He was a forklift driver who wanted to use portions of his winnings to purchase Christmas gifts for people in need, a good guy.
Burch’s girlfriend Jasmine Hendricks was in the house during the shooting, she recalls the incident:
“A shotgun blast blew open the door and three masked, armed men ran in,” she said.
“When they came in, he said, ‘don’t do it bro. Don’t do it in front of my kids. Please don’t do it in front of my kids and old lady. Please don’t do that bro. Please don’t. He said I’ll give you my bank card,” Hendricks recalled. That’s when Burch threw his pants to the robbers, who looked for but couldn’t find his wallet. Then they shot and killed him before running away.
Burch’s mother Leslie Collins relayed an emotional message to WALB about the shooting:
“I want them to know what they took from me. They took a part of my life away from me. My child that I carried and raised for 20 years,” she said.
This brings more light to a bill state representative Josh McKoon presented last week during the $1.5 billion lottery frenzy. Right now, by law Georgia makes all lottery winners name public, the bill states that you’d have to pay 25% of earnings back to the state to keep your name anonymous to prevent incidents like this happening. Read more about the bill here..
Currently, no arrests have been made.