Tag all of your cat lovers right now because April Hill is bringing one of the greatest ideas for cat lovers in the Atlanta area, a cat cafe.
Yes, a cafe equipped with wifi, pre-packaged foods, coffee and cats. April Hill quit her job in November of 2015 to plot, build and operate the areas first cat cafe. She plans on opening a location in the Decatur area that can hold up to 15-20 human beings and maybe 20 cats at a time.
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Cat Cafe’s are really popular in New York City and there’s are a few spots in Philadelphia as well but this would the first in Atlanta. Hill plans on launching a Kickstarter to cover some of her expenses, she also plans to gain capital from local donors as well. She plans on charging people $5 to enter the cafe with most of that money being reinvested into necessary supplies to keep up the place. Each customer will have a 60 minute limit in the cafe.

April Hill also says that all cats will be available for adoption, she teamed up with Fur Kids Atlanta to attain the cats. Her main goal is to get as many cats adopted as possible. You can keep up with the opening of Happy Tabby Cat Cafe on their Facebook page.
WATCH: Cat Goes Crazy on LIVE TV