Did you know vehicle crashes are the No. 1 cause of death for teenagers between 15-19 in the United States?
In 2013, there were 2,614 teen (15-19 year old) passenger vehicle drivers involved in fatal crashes and an estimated 130,000 were injured. Yet, a recent survey shows that only 25% of parents have had a serious talk with their kids about the key components of driving. Parents need to take the time to talk with their kids about the many dangers of driving. Those dangers include alcohol, seat belts, texting, speeding, and extra passengers.
As National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW) approaches Oct 18-24th 2015, you have an opportunity to educate your viewership about the #1 solution in the market to prevent teen accidents. Take some time to help parents be proactive on coaching their teen to be a safe driver.
MOTOsafety has partnered with the National Highway Safety Association on their 5-to-Drive campaign to bring awareness to parents and teens about impaired driving during National Teen Safety Week.
MOTOsafety is a GPS device that provides parents with:
Valuable driving behaviors
Peace of mind knowing how and where their child is driving
Accessibility anywhere
MOTOsafety was endorsed by Consumer Products as the leading product in the teen driving safety industry and we can provide you with any industry knowledge on teen driving and the impact it makes in your community.
It easily plugs into the OBDII port under your dash and provides a detailed driver’s report card.
View location, history, speeding & more on Google Maps.
Native apps for iOS and Android let you monitor from anywhere.
You get the MOTOsafety divice for a one-time fee of $79.99 after that there are no contracts, just $19.99/month.
See more at www.motosafety.com.