The annual Fourth of Day holiday is upon us and this celebration of America means thousands and thousand more cars will be on the roads, highways and side streets of Metro Atlanta.
WAZE, the popular navigation app that has 326,000 active users in the Atlanta market is offering some tips to safely navigate Atlanta Fourth of July traffic.
Wazers constantly report alerts like road hazards, accidents and lane closures in and around Atlanta and Georgia. This helps Atlantans and those passing through Atlanta on I75, I85 and I20 time and money on their travels. Last month alone, Wazers in Atlanta reported 897,000 alerts on the roads and drove a total of 75 million miles.
Best Time To Hit The Road
Getting out of town:
You might think you can beat the traffic by “leaving work early” on Thursday or Friday, but remember that everyone else has the same idea. Expect traffic to peak around noon, but it’s going to peak again around 3pm – 6pm when the holiday drivers collide with the normal rush hour. Beat the rush by leaving town before 7am.
July 4th:
You are not the only one interested in fireworks. Expect serious traffic in Atlanta from 10:00pm – 12:00am the night of the 4th as everyone heads home from the fireworks or heads out for post-pyrotechnic festivities. Remember the Atlanta Braves are playing a night game at Turner Field and their will be a fireworks display following the game with the Phillies.
The Return Home:
No matter which day you leave for the holiday weekend, you’re probably headed back home on Sunday- just like everyone else. Expect a Sunday “Rush Hour” in Atlanta from 6pm – 10pm. It’s tough to leave the beach early, but every hour you linger is likely another you spend in traffic.
What’s happening on the roads:
Increased Police Presence: Law enforcement all over the country ramps up checkpoints to make sure that the festivities aren’t endangering you and your fellow drivers. We saw reports of police increase 26% on the 4th and 47% during the return home on Sunday. Drive safe out there! We also saw an 18% increase in reports of accidents.
Traffic: The road home is paved with gridlock. Reports of traffic increased 63% above average for the trip home on Sunday.
*** Remember if you get a little too festive or do a little too much celebrating on the Fourth, you shouldn’t be behind the wheel at all.
It would also be a good idea to have the Atlanta Checker Cab app on your phone or mobile device. See more information on Atlanta Checker Cab at
See more information on WAZE at